
  1. Go Divine Shop reserves all rights to change the price and any content of the website without any prior notice.
  2. Products sizes may vary from the description offered on-line due to the lead time between changes done by suppliers and updating of system.
  3. Products sizes may vary from the description offered on-line due to the lead time between changes done by suppliers and updating of system.
  4. Online bill and final bill may vary due to reasons such as Out-of-stock, special offers, daily price changes, substitutions of nearest product and items that has price that varies with weight.
  5. Go Divine Shop reserves the rights to adjust the final bill after the on-line bill/order price is presented or conveyed to the Customer due to unforeseen circumstances and such adjustments shall be marked on the final bill presented to the Customer at the time of delivery.


  1. Customers must be over 18 years of age and shall provide Go Divine Shop with complete and updated personal information, which includes the Customer’s legal name, address telephone and e-mail address.
  2. The Customer shall be responsible for updating his/her personal information so as to allow an accurate and timely processing of order.
  3. The Customer will be asked to register as a user before getting access to the payment gateway. The site will prompt user to enter an e-mail address to allow a purchase summary to be sent to the given e-mail after any purchase has been made. User will also be asked to enter a set of password that is uniquely for the site.
  4. The email address and password is to be used for sub sequence log-in and it is the Customer’s sole and unqualified responsibility to ensure that the email address and its password for the site are kept strictly confidential to prevent unauthorized use.

Changes to Order

  1. Orders can be amended by contacting us over phone / email and the delivery of the amended items will be supplied along with the present or the next delivery and the prices will be updated consequently.

Refund of Items / Payment

  1. Items purchased via Go Divine Shop will be refunded / changed with our own discretion on case to case basis.

Limitation of Liability

  1. Go Divine Shop shall not be liable, whether directly or indirectly, to any injury, damage or loss for any defect for product or fitness for uses whatsoever in an event of any incident.
  2. In case of any form of delivery discrepancy, Go Divine Shop is liable to not more than the amount of the value of the product.


  1. Go Divine Shop expressly excludes all warranties, descriptions, representations or advice rendered as to the fitness or suitability for any purpose, tolerance to any conditions, similarity to sample, merchant ability or otherwise of the Product supplied to the fullest extent permitted by law.
  2. No Agent or representative of Go Divine Shop is authorized to make any warranty, representation or statements given as to the fitness or suitability for any purpose, tolerance to any condition, similarity to sample, merchant ability or otherwise of the Product supplied.

Intellectual Property

  1. Any elements of text, graphics, photos, designs, trademarks, logos, concepts, branding or other artwork furnished shall at all times be the property of Go Divine Shop, and that unless and until a written permission has been given.

Controlling Law and Jurisdiction

  1. Govt of India and State of Pondicherry Law & Jurisdiction is applicable.

Variation of Terms and Conditions

  1. Go Divine Shop reserves the right to amend / update the terms and conditions herein at its sole discretion without notice to the Customer.