We collect information about you when you:

  1. Register and buy products / service on our website
  2. Visit the Website, and other sites accessible from the Website.
  3. Contact us eg in writing, call customer services.
  4. Take part in promotions, competitions, customer surveys and questionnaires.

We use your information to:

  1. Personalize our services to you.
  2. Process your orders
  3. Manage and improve our Website.
  4. Tell you about important changes to the Website and our services.
  5. Understand your shopping behavior to develop and improve our products and services.
  6. Manage promotions, competitions, customer surveys and questionnaires.

We use your information to:

  1. We employ companies and individuals to perform functions on our behalf and we may disclose your Personal Data to these parties for example, for fulfilling orders, delivering packages, sending postal mail and email, removing repetitive information from customer lists, analyzing data, providing marketing assistance, providing search results and links (including paid listings and links) and providing customer service.
  2. Those parties are bound by strict contractual provisions with us and only have access to Personal Data needed to perform their functions, and may not use it for other purposes. Further, they must process the Personal Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy and as permitted by Govt of India and State of Pondicherry.

We use your information to:

  1. Go Divine Shop, may include third-party advertising and links to other websites. We do not provide any personally identifiable customer Personal Data to these advertisers or third-party websites.